AirTame – Airtame Cloud: Devices

👨‍💻 Airtame Cloud: Devices – monitoring & management
Stay updated on your Airtames’ status and performance and edit settings in bulk.
Written by Kristian Klausen
Updated over a week ago
This section is where you can monitor and edit your Airtames’ settings.
Monitor all your Airtames:

  • Status for each device (Online, offline, streaming)
  • View Network connection status (SSID or Ethernet) and RSSI
  • Check IP addresses
  • Check Access point status – enabled/disabled
  • Check Airtame firmware version
  • Create groups of devices. Expand, collapse, and rearrange the groups.
  • Use the search-field to find specific Airtames.
Manage settings and perform actions individually or in bulk:

  • Perform a Reboot or Update.
  • Manage all your Airtames’ settings and perform bulk changes.
You can do the following individual or bulk changes from the Airtame Cloud:
  1. Update Airtames
  2. Customize the Overlay Text if you are going to have the instructions on how to start the stream on the TV screens
  3. Set Homescreens
  4. Turn Airplay on
  5. Turn the Pin Code Connect Feature and Mobile Override
  6. Password protect the Airtames’ device settings, and other
See the full list of available changes in the Cloud on the image: